
Note: on January 1st 2025 eastern time we will be updating our privacy policy because we don’t have anything accurate yet since we just launched VideoTube and it should not be no later than January 2025

About us

Behind the scenes and about our video sharing platform 

Behind the scenes


I had VideoTube created on September 30TH 2024 eastern time and a message popped up early morning around 12 or 1 am on October 1ST 2024 that said it was registered on 10-1-2024 and then a few hours later the website got fully put up.




VideoTube is a video sharing platform that represents its users for anyone 13 years old or older to be on VideoTube or a parents permission.


our users can create content and view your dashboard and create any kind of content as longs as it meets our guidelines.


we have videos uploaded all the time to keep our users updated about the website and plan on doing updates all the time but can't create an app or grant access to PlayStation or Xbox to stream on because VideoTube is new and won't be earning money yet as longs as we're still small and still have a lot of growing to do.


Dustin Johnson is the owner of VideoTube.

so respect our rules and have a great day or night.